About Us

Our History

Our founder, Alice Wiafe has been providing mental health services for the last 15 years. After working with hundreds of men and women in their emotional wellness journey, she found that at the conclusion of therapy, all program participants agreed on one thing “They wished they could have learned these skills when they were young”.

This left a profound mark on Alice who then vowed to make sure children gain access to these skills earlier than later to avoid the inevitable pitfalls that would follow if they didn’t.  Our premise as an organization is based on a famous quote by Fredrick Douglas which states “It is easier build strong children than to fix broken mean. Underlying this statement is:

Our Personal Belief Statement:

  1. All children have the template to develop Greatness.
  2. Whatever goes into a child in the formative years makes a profound impact in later adult years.
  3. All children should be given opportunities to develop areas of weakness.
  4. Early intervention services can change a child’s developmental path.


Maximize Social Skills 100%
Maximize Social Skills
Maximize Emotional Skills 100%
Maximize Emotional Skills
Maixmize Cognitive Skills 100%
Maixmize Cognitive Skills

Our Journey

Our headquarters is in Ontario Canada where we’ve been working with families since 2016. The concept has been extremely successful as we continue to create safe places where parents can trust that their children’ s wellbeing is the priority.

Positive Kids prides itself on its ability to stay current in research and provides best practices and training to all our providers.   Even though our providers are independent contractors and not employers, we constantly offer training and education to stay relevant to interventions and programming.

As of 2020, we’ve made significant progress into programming and curriculum development which cater exclusively to the various mental, emotional and social needs of children. Children of all ages have found success using our programing to deal with issues like Social Skills, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Food Disorders, Learning Disorders & Differences, Confidence & Motivation Issues, Anger Management and more. . As evidence of how effective we’ve been, Positive Kids is now opening its door to the US in summer of 2020. We look forward to expanding our services to every major city.


Our Spokesperson

This video tells you about our vision for our organization and how we hope to help your child thrive

Language School In Number

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